Thursday, September 11, 2008

Inspirations and ideas:

I had the idea that it may be good if the performance takes place in the 'boy who was kissed's' bedroom. i..e before the boy returns home and into his bedroom.

As a group we thought that we would like the singer to be obsessing over this other male. I thought it would be good if we had 3 main perfromance/key shots which we kept coming back to throughout the video.

1. I like teh idea of the obsessing male to be wrriting obsessively possibly at a desk in the room and giving lots of emotion etc. The hook/ main perfromance area in Eminem's Stan video is very similar to what i had in mind....

Eminem feat Dido- Stan:

2. I thought another creative performance hook shot would be as if the camera was on/ part of the wall. In this shot the main singer would be graffiti-ing on the wall which the camera is on, yet we are hidden from what he is writing throughout (until the end) yet we get close beauty shots of the star which will help promote his image and will get meaning across in the video. i.e. the camera is placed behind the graffiti

  • note: i think it would be very visually appealing if the perfromance ie the visual hooks of the star were in black and white whilst the narrative shots are in colour. This would also add layers to the piece and alow the audience to interpret the video in different dimensions- hence more widely appealing and therefore successful.

  • Leading on from this .....i think it would look nice if at near the end of the video; in this shot where teh writing is hidden i think we could use an almost transitional shot where the star graffitis across the 'lens' of the camera before the cut and change of shot. Also this would create a bigger impact if this graffiti spray was actually in colour- preferably RED for its connotations of danger, passion, etc.

(can't find a video which uses a similar shot- therefore i will experiment with this on our test shoot to see if it will be successful)

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