Thursday, September 11, 2008

Shot ideas:

Creative shots that i would like to encorporate in my music video:

1. I would like to break the 30 degree rule during the MV. This would give the effect of the camera jumping however i would use this almost to profile the singer and to brand the stars image. Also this impacts the audience in the sense that if it is cut to the beat a rhythm will be sustained.

possible note:

throughout these jump cuts i would have a white flash in between the shots to almost look like each individual shot is being given extra significant and the audience notice what is being highlighed. Almost like a camera flash giving an unusual branding style. This can happen either vertically or horizontally.

-almost like the effect of a slow strobe light which is seen in some dance music videos.

2. I had the idea of a two way motion shot of the singer when performing or just a semim circular track around the artist. This would surround him giving him a performance space in the room where he is graffiti-ing. Hence the focus for this performance shot is taken from what he is doing and moved purely to the branding of himself as an artist.- A shot necessary for a new artist and single.

-in this shot the significant graffiti he is writing would not come into shot

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